Régulateurs de débit
Régulateurs de débit

CYMO® device
Basin and piping rinsing system via vacuum flushing
Automatic cleaning device for storm water basins and piping
![image du D2OR traduction [en] du 25/09/2023](https://bdd.saintdizierenvironnement.eu/assets/fichiers/3993_b9860-d2or.png)
D2OR traduction [en] du 25/09/2023
Déversoir d'orage à ouverture de radier
Maîtrise du débit restitué sur un réseau en forte pente (écoulement torrentiel)

Horizontal storm water overflow system
Control of the restored flow and management of peak flows while respecting the network hydraulics

Controlled flow storm water overflow
Control of return flow rate and management of peak flow rates in compliance with the hydraulics of the network

Flow regulator with floater
Leakage flow control of storm water basins and storm water overflow.

Flow regulator with floater
Leakage flow control of storm water basins and storm water overflow.

Flow limiter – PVX
Rainwater management (alternative techniques and flow limits on the plot)

Rainwater management (alternative techniques and flow limits on the plot)