Prétraitement hydrocarbures

Prétraitement hydrocarbures

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image du BHDCE  15 to 30

BHDCE 15 to 30

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of rainwater and stormwater coming from uncovered parking garages and roads

image du BHDCE 125 to 200

BHDCE 125 to 200

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of rainwater and stormwater coming from uncovered parking garages and roads

image du BHDCE 40 to 65

BHDCE 40 to 65

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of rainwater and stormwater coming from uncovered parking garages and roads

image du BHDCE 80 à 120_EN

BHDCE 80 à 120_EN

Sludge trap / Oil separator

Pretreatment of water coming from car parks and roads.

image du BHDCE NS 220 to 350

BHDCE NS 220 to 350

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of rainwater and stormwater coming from uncovered parking garages and roads

image du HDCDP from NS60 to NS200_En

HDCDP from NS60 to NS200_En

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du HDCDP NS 15 to 60

HDCDP NS 15 to 60

Dessableur séparateur à hydrocarbures

Prétraitement des eaux de ruissellement issues de parkings découverts

image du HDCP 15 to 65

HDCP 15 to 65

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du HDCP 80 to 300_EN

HDCP 80 to 300_EN

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDC 1.5 to 15

IHDC 1.5 to 15

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDC 10 to 500

IHDC 10 to 500

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDCE   10 – 20

IHDCE 10 – 20

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDCE  110 to 200

IHDCE 110 to 200

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDCE  30 to 100

IHDCE 30 to 100

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDCE 225 to 500

IHDCE 225 to 500

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du IHDCP 1,5 to 10

IHDCP 1,5 to 10

Sludge trap / oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, gas stations, industrial activities...

image du SHDC 1,5 to 10

SHDC 1,5 to 10

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

image du SHDC 10 to 500

SHDC 10 to 500

Sludge trap / Oil interceptor

Pretreatment of water coming from washing areas, service stations, industrial activities...

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